Urdhva-Mukha Paschimottanasana (Upward Facing Intense Stretch Yoga Pose)

First of all, you have to know the meaning of this Asana. Urdhva – Upward, up, Raised, Mukha – face, Paschima – west, back, back of the body, Tana – stretched, Uttana– straightened, intense stretch and the meaning of Asana is seat, pose or posture. Upward Facing Intense Stretch Pose is very much similar to Ubhaya Padangusthasana, but the difference is the stretch level. It improves blood circulation from head to toe and lengthens your entire backside. Best pose for kids for increasing their height. It is a very intense stretch Asana, so before doing Upward Facing Intense Stretch Pose perform the simple Paschimottanasana for increasing the stretch.

Preparatory Poses

Navasana (Boat Pose), Janu Sirsasana, Paschimottanasana, Uttanasana

Steps of Urdhva-Mukha Paschimottanasana

  • Start the Asana by sitting in the Dandasana (Staff Pose), after that lay down gently on the floor.
  • Breathe in and raise your arms to overhead. Breathe out and raise your legs straight off the floor.
  • Lift up your hips and take your feet to the hands, grab your big foot toe or the sole.
  • Inhale and keep your spine straight (during the process, it’s important that your spine should be erect).
  • Exhale, curl in and roll forward to maintain the balance.
  • Breathe in, as you balance well, set your eyes upwards (gaze upward).
  • Breathe out, fold your midsection (torso) to the legs (completely try to touch your torso to your legs, same as in Paschimottanasana). Use your limbs strength to maintain the balance and remain in the pose with five breath and it’s a final position of this pose.

(Don’t bend your knees, keep your legs and back straight and try to touch the shins with your forehead).

Benefits of Upward Facing Intense Stretch

  • This Yoga pose strengthens your hip flexors and abdominals; lengthens your hamstrings also.
  • Beneficial in mild depression, stress and calms your mind.
  • Urdhva-Mukha Paschimottanasana stretches your legs, shoulders, and spine.
  • Improves your digestive system; stimulates your kidneys, ovaries, uterus, and liver.
  • Increases your appetite, cure general diseases and helps to reduce obesity.
  • Upward Facing Intense Stretch Pose Lengthens your leg muscles intensely.
  • Relieves in back aches, it tones your internal organs.
  • Upward Facing Intense Stretch Pose Improves your concentration level.


In the case of a knee injury, back injury and in hamstrings don’t perform this stance. This is a very intense leg stretching pose; so it’s important to practice the basic leg stretching Yoga Pose first. Benefits take time and need daily practices, therefore you have to practice daily for benefits

#never gives up keep trying#

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