
Yoga for Thyroid: 9 Asana and 3 Pranayama

Here we uncover the some best Yoga for Thyroid really helps you to fight against thyroid Problems. Before, we move towards the Yoga Asana & Pranayama for Thyroid. You have to clear the concept of the thyroid, types of thyroid disorders, hormones of thyroid and its function. Below we mentioned the definition of Thyroid as well as its function in brief and simple words. After that move to the list of Yoga Asana & Pranayama for thyroid. So, be with us till the end. Women are easily affected by thyroid issues (right after pregnancy or after menopause) in comparison to men. So, it’s compulsory for you to check your thyroid hormones level in two or three months regularly.

“In America about 20 million, Americans suffer from the thyroid problem/disease.” Approximately more than 12% of the U.S. population develops the thyroid issue in their lifetime.

In 2017 (25th May) World Thyroid Day was recognized all around the globe.
(American Thyroid Association collaborates with International Thyroid Societies)Yoga-for-Thyroid-Asana-and-Pranayama-yoga-pose

What is Thyroid?

The thyroid gland is the important part of an endocrine system in our body. The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped gland which places in the front of the neck in our body. And it is located under Adam’s apple packed around the windpipe (trachea). A thin region of tissue in the middle of the gland named as the isthmus. This isthmus joins the two thyroid lobes on each side (gland is separated in two lobes left and right). The thyroid is marked as one of the hardest working glands in our body. The thyroid plays the important role to manage the countless metabolic processes in the whole body.

What are the main hormones of the thyroid gland?

  • The thyroid gland produces two main hormones called Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) respectively.
  • These two hormones control the body temperature, heart rate and metabolism in our body.
  • It plays an important role to develop and growth of the brain for better functioning, especially in child/babies.
  • Thyroid demands iodine (a vital part of a chemical element of diet, iodized salt and natural food items that are rich in natural iodine) to produce these important thyroid hormones.

There is another hormone that is produced in our thyroid gland is named as Calcitonin.

What’s the normal level or range of T3 & T4?

  • Remember that various laboratories may have the different reference range for the normal level of these two hormones. Thus, it’s mandated to listen and follow the advice of your doctor.

The normal level of T3

The general and accepted a normal level of T3 is between 3.1 pmol/L & 6.8 pmol/L. by the test of T3 Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) is diagnosed.

The ideal level of Thyroxine (T4)

The usual and accepted normal level for free thyroxine is 12 to 22 pmol.

What are the different types of thyroid diseases/disorders?

  • Hypothyroidism (Underactive thyroid).
  • Hyperthyroidism (Overactive thyroid).
  • Goiter
  • Thyroid Cancer.
  • Thyroid Nodules.

But we discussed the main common thyroid disorders as well as its symptoms.

Hypothyroidism (Underactive thyroid)

Underactive thyroid leads from the thyroid gland which produces an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone. By this, it develops issues from the thyroid gland, hypothalamus (Pituitary gland). In a Simple word when your thyroid gland produces fewer amounts of hormones and this Problem is termed as Hypothyroidism.

Main Symptoms of hypothyroidism

  • Lack of concentration.
  • Indigestion, Constipation.
  • Joint & Muscle Pain.
  • Stress, anxiety, and Depression.
  • Tiredness.
  • Dryness of skin.
  • An extra amount of menstrual bleeding in Women.
  • Unintentionally Weight gain.

General causes of Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)

  • Inflammation of the thyroid of the thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)
  • The resistance of the thyroid hormone.

Hyperthyroidism (Overactive thyroid)

When your thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of thyroid hormone it named as Overactive or Hyperthyroidism. It is a less general or common condition than Underactive thyroid.

Common Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

  • Increase in heart rate, nervousness.
  • Contraction of hand muscles (tremor).
  • Increase the rate of bowel movements.
  • Weight loss and fatigue.
  • Excessive sweating.

Most general causes of the overactive thyroid

  • Intake of an extra amount of iodine.
  • Multinodular goiter (toxic)
  • Graves’ disease (An immune system problem in which overproduction of hormones take place 0.5% male & 3% female affected )
  • Overexpress thyroid nodule (also named as hot nodules)


In simple words, a goiter is a problem when your thyroid gland is enlarged. A goiter does not come under the specific disease. It may be linked with hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or normal thyroid function.

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is the most treatable type of cancer if it diagnosed earlier. When cell change or genetically mutate then thyroid cancer is developed. These cells are multiplying itself in your thyroid and take the form of tumor.

Hope you easily get the point what we want to say about Thyroid. Let’s move on to the important part that is Yoga Asana & Pranayama for Thyroid.

How Yoga Asana & Pranayama for thyroid is beneficial?

We can’t say that you totally cure your thyroid problem by Yoga Asana & Pranayama. But somewhere down the line, you can reduce the discomfort or symptoms of thyroid problems by Yoga Asana & Pranayama. There is some top-level Pranayama which is great for treating thyroid issues. In the same way, many asanas lower down the symptoms of Thyroid Problem. In many cases, thyroid disorders are cured by Yoga Asana & Pranayama. Try for once, definitely, it will help you a lot. Yoga Asana & Pranayama for is the best alternates for treating thyroid disorder rather than costly medication or treatments.

Best Yoga Asana & Pranayama for thyroid are given below.

List of Best Asana for balancing the level of thyroid

 Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

The fish pose makes an arch on your back when you perform this Asana. By this, the circulation of the blood is increased at the thyroid region. Also, it gives a good stretch to your throat and neck, which directly targets the thyroid gland. Fish pose is an inverted pose, and in an inverted pose, head motivates blood flow to your thyroid part thus it helps in hypothyroidism. For steps and other benefits click

Plow Pose (Halasana)

Plow pose also stretches neck and invigorate thyroid glands. It helps to lower down the symptoms of hypothyroidism but should not be performed by hyperthyroidism. It involves automatic chin lock during the full pose, which is good for your thyroid glands. Want to more click

Simhasana (Lion Pose)

Lion pose is quite interesting but most effective Asana to deal with the thyroid problems. When you perform Lion pose a roaring sound is produced which directly targets and massage your throat. By which the thyroid symptoms is lower down.

Want to know more click.

Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

Shoulder stand maintains the endocrine system in our body. Sarvangasana helps the people with hypothyroidism. Thyroid gets the huge supply of blood in our body, so performing shoulder stand regularly improves the circulation and secretions of hormones. When you perform this pose it releases blood towards the neck and nourishes your thyroid. Hence it reduces the symptoms of hypothyroidism. For more details click

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose is an awesome chest opener as well as stretch your throat area & neck. This stretch in neck and throat boost maintains and increases the function of the thyroid. Thus it is beneficial in Hypothyroidism. Click for steps & other benefits.

Inverted Pose (Viparita Karani)

Viparita means opposite or reverse and Karani refers to through, by which. The legs up wall pose is another name of Viparita Karani. Inverted Pose is a remedy for various diseases. Inverted pose helps in the problem of hypothyroidism. It increases the flow of blood to the thyroid gland and maintains the function of the thyroid.

Want to know more click

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Bridge pose is an outstanding pose, especially for thyroid problems. It helps in hypothyroidism. Setu Bandhasana is also stretch your neck, improves blood circulation mostly in the thyroid gland along with controls the function of the thyroid.

Click here for steps.

Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Ustrasana stretches your back as well as your neck. Stretching of the neck will good for your thyroid. Because Stretching allows blood circulation to the thyroid gland. For other benefits & steps click.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Dhanurasana is excellent intermediate level stretching Asana for back & your neck. It lowers down the stress level which is the most common symptoms of thyroid. Dhanurasana massages your thyroid gland and controls the activity of thyroid glands. And by which a required amount of hormones has produced that control the metabolism. Hence, Bow Pose reduce the hypothyroidism symptoms.

Click here for steps & other benefits

Headstand also has a powerful impact in reducing the hypothyroidism. But This Asana needs more attention, daily practice and the supervision of an expert teacher. So, that’s why we uncover the topmost basic Asana for Thyroid.

Pranayama for Thyroid

Ocean Breath or Ujjayi Pranayama

For thyroid disorders, Ujjayi Pranayama is the best option in breathing technique which effectively lowers down the symptoms of hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism. Ujjayi Pranayama mainly works on the throat region. Due to its healing impact, it triggers the thyroid gland. In this the friction of air when contact with throat an ocean like sound will produce. So, it massages your throat and also kicks the general disorders related to the throat. Practice this breathing technique 10 to 11 times but not to perform more than 11. Perform Kapalbhati & Anulom Vilom Pranayama and also Savasana (Corpse Pose).

for steps click here.

Important Notes

  • Even though the above mentioned Yoga Asana and Pranayama are very effective and beneficial, but avoid the practice of these Asana & Pranayama in case of severe thyroid problem, enlarged goiter or in physical weakness.
  • In case of pregnancy or during periods take an advice from a doctor before attempting these Yogic activities. Also, avoid these Poses in severe pain in the abdomen or recent surgery.
  • The truth is treatments and medications of the thyroid are not only costly but it leads to some side effects in your body. On the other hand, Yogic activities will make your body to fight against the thyroid or any problems naturally by increasing the strength of your willpower and body.

(Difficult work is easier and easier work is difficult)

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