
Adho Mukha Kapotasana (Downward facing Pigeon Pose)

Here is the simple version of Pigeon Pose and that is Downward facing pigeon Pose. Try this before doing Advanced Pigeon Pose. Adho Mukha Kapotasana (Downward facing Pigeon Pose) is easy to perform but very effective basic levelAsana. Adho Mukha Kapotasana (Downward Facing Pigeon Pose) is derived from the Sanskrit word & when you perform Adho Mukha Kapotasana your body is like a Downward facing Pigeon Pose (Pigeon neck down). So that’s why this Asana is named so.Adho-Mukha-Kapotasana-Downward-facing-Pigeon-Pose-yoga-steps

 Asana NameDownward facing Pose (dove pose)

Sanskrit NameAdho Mukha Kapotasana

Level of AsanaBasic


Adho – Upward

Mukha – face, facing

Kapota – dove or Pigeon

Asana – seat, pose, posture

 Focusing Chakra

 The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The Third eye Chakra (Ajna)

The sacral chakra (Svadisthana)

Steps of Adho Mukha Kapotasana (Downward Facing Pigeon Pose)

  • First of all, come into the position of Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose). Now, elevate your left leg from the floor & keep your right leg strongly on the ground.
  • Next step is open your left knee afterwards keep it straight just behind you. After that tilt forward also transfer your weight to your hands. Place your knee below your body when you bend your leg. Practice this for few times until you are comfortable with bringing your knee just near to your hands.
  • After that, keep your bend left knee between your hands. The outer part of your right lower part of leg completely touches the ground. But note that your inner part of left thigh ought to be open up with a left foot sticking from the right side of the body and resting on its outside ankle. Keep your toes facing away from your trunk/torso.
  • Your shoulder wider and arms should be straight along with palms facing down with spreading fingers on the ground.
  • Now extend your right leg, you can feel the stretch keep it in a straight line towards your big toe.
  • Move your hands forward hold the position and you can easily feel some stretch in the part of the upper thigh of your twisted leg.
  • When you feel comfortable, carry on to lower down yourself until you are relaxing on your forearms as well as elbows. At that moment your palms pressed together and fingers pointing in the forward direction (in front of you)
  • If you are not feeling any discomfort then carry on stretching for completing the full pose. Stretch out your arms straight in a forward direction along with shoulder should be wide apart. Spread your fingers on the ground with palms pointing down. Try to touch your forehead to the ground if possible.
  • You are in the full pose, remain in the pose around 40 to 60 seconds and breath normally or you can hold your breath.
  • Now it’s time to discharge the pose, for this bring your hands back near to your body. Push your palms to release the weight from your leg.
  • Now unfold your bent your leg and come back to the initial pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
  • Follow the same steps on your opposite side.

Tips for beginners (Downward facing Pigeon Pose)

  • Downward facing Pigeon Pose (Adho Mukha Kapotasana) needs great knee flexibility so practice first basic knee stretching pose. If you have good flexibility in your legs & hips try to deepen the pose. Breathe deeply throughout the process.
  • By moving the position of bent leg in a way that your ankle and knee are in horizontal. But alterations of pose May not suitable for all, so first practice properly its simple version. Once you are comfortable and have a good flexibility then go for its variations.

Benefits of Adho Mukha Kapotasana (Downward facing Pigeon Pose)

  •  Downward facing Pigeon Pose (Adho Mukha Kapotasana) is simple and easy to perform Asana. It stretches your whole leg and it is also a good hip opener Asana.
  • Adho Mukha Kapotasana (Downward facing Pigeon Pose) strengthens & stretches your legs, knees and outer and inner parts of legs.
  • Downward facing Pigeon Pose best for your hamstrings you get a good stretch in this region.
  • Adho Mukha Kapotasana (Downward Facing Pigeon Pose) also stretches your forearms and arms along with good for your wrists.
  • Downward facing Pigeon Pose and important thing it increases the flexibility and prepares you for the more advanced Asana.

Important Points

  • Don’t perform Downward facing pigeon Pose/Adho Mukha Kapotasana in the condition of leg or knee injury.
  • If you have a medical history then consults your doctor.
  • It’s not mandated to perform the pose by taking the position of Adho Mukha Svanasana, if you are facing problem then you’ll start your pose by adopting Balasana (Child Pose).
  • But from Balasana move your one knee in the forward direction and then follow and continue the same steps from step 3.

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